Debt Purchase Services

Credit Watch is involved in buying large portfolios of debt,

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Debt sale and debt purchase has really established itself as a fundamental component in the debt recovery process. Credit Watch has built an excellent relationship with many banks, credit card and mainstream financial companies, and are able to support a range of transaction types.

These include:
  • Spot Sales: The completion purchases on pre-determined debt portfolios at a specified completion date.
  • Forward Flow Contracts: On-going contracts where Credit Watch continues to purchase a debt type of a pre-agreed quality over a fixed term, or on a rolling period.
  • Right to collect: If your organization doesn’t have the capacity to sell debt, it may be feasible for you to retain ownership and lease the right to collect on that debt to Credit Watch. This allows you to realize an up-front cash injection as opposed to waiting for the longer levels of return associated with contingency collections. This can be useful for organizations wishing to pilot the viability of debt sale within recoveries strategies.
  • Advisory services: If required, Credit Watch can provide a full consultancy service as part of the debt sale process. Credit Watch can offer advice and support to help you through all stages of the debt sale process, from cutting the file through to due diligence, contract implementation and designing structures for supporting on-going requirements.

Debt purchase portfolios considered

Credit Watch is involved in buying large portfolios of debt, which are typically made up of credit cards, loan, banking, asset finance, mortgage shortfall, and retail credit accounts. We only consider the purchase of portfolios where the face value of receivables is in excess of USD 4 million or its equivalent in your local currency.

Many of the relationships developed with creditors have been as a result of Credit Watch ’s clear and open negotiation principles, which have never been compromised in completing on a transaction